How Did You Find Us?

How did you find THP?

How did you find THP?

I have only been a member here for about a month. But, two months ago I was researching golf balls for my wife. I did a search for the Precept Lady IQ ball, and came across this site. I read through the reviews (those review only), was impressed, and thought "wow" a ladies golf site how cool.

Several days later I wanted some information on something else (male oriented) and remembered this place. I sifted through my history log until I found the url that looked familiar and I've been here ever since.

So, I owe a great big thank you to the members of the other gender.

How did you find THP?

EDIT: Sorry didn't realize this thread already existed. I have even more reading to now!
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On my work break lol. Thats my story. I was looking for reviews for the Taylormade Tour Burner driver! I never found it but I found something way better. The friends I've made here is something I do hold close. Roadhouse.
This is awesome and I wish I would have seen this much sooner.

When I decided to play golf again this spring I went to a demo day and tested some irons, but only got a chance to hit them maybe 5 min each, before I was being shown a price tag and shuffled off. Well I wanted to do some more research and man did I hit the motherload when I saw this place pop up for every club I searched.

I was so impressed by the equipment reviews I joined and the rest of the community is just that much better. Hopefully we get some more stories here, I would love to hear them!
I think that I was looking at equipment reviews and I happened to bump into this sight. I didn't join for a while and then in September I just decided to. Nothing special.
I follow Taylormade on twitter. I believe they mentioned THP in a tweet about a year ago. If it wasn't TM maybe it was Jeff Ritter.
I believe I was looking up information about the Niblick, found THP and never left. Glad I did, have met some wonderful people, had an awesome vacation at the outing last year.
Searching for reviews on gear and then also found out u were on tapatalk.

Like many others I was searching for a review on new clubs and found the excellent review thread on the Burner 2.0's so I joined up.

I've been very impressed with how friendly and welcoming the forum has been so I'm afraid you are now stuck with me!

Can't think of a better way to spend those quiet times at work than chatting about golf on here.
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one of the things i specialize in at work is SEO/SEM. one of my customers is the local golfusa and when i was demo-ing golf related keywords with him on google this site kept popping up. i made a mental note, checked it out, read a killer review on the x-22's and have been hooked ever since.

here's my story
Lee Harville from C&L Putters (350 Milled) sent me the link where members tested one of their C&L putters. Plus I'm on 60 day ban from lovely golfwrx so I really needed something to pass the time when I'm at work. Even after the ban is up I doubt I will go back over there at all!
Plus I'm on 60 day ban from lovely golfwrx so I really needed something to pass the time when I'm at work. Even after the ban is up I doubt I will go back over there at all!

Oooo, gossip!! What did you do to get banned???
googled "golf forums" and ended up what I read and see so I'm hanging around!
Oooo, gossip!! What did you do to get banned???


You must've praised some non japanese equipment, or god forbid, you said you liked some GI irons, haha

You must've praised some non japanese equipment, or god forbid, you said you liked some GI irons, haha

HAHA...I was gonna say something like this but I'm glad you did it instead.
Nope went after their Golden Love Child... Ryan Moore and what I thought of his lovely outfits. I think this is about 3rd time I've had a vacation. Actually I was pretty nice on comments this time about him shopping at Goodwill in kids and grandparents section! LOL I guessed someone really liked those super tight sweaters/shirts & pants and got their panties in a wad. :D
Googling for some info on the Superfast, and found the Biggsy is god of swingspeed post :)

I got this strange, homey feeling from the website, and after a few days of browsing I decide to join. Noticed how everyone basically seemed to "know" each other instead of just picking fights with each other like some other sites I had browsed.

Been posting and loving the site since!

JB you did one heck of a job getting this ball rolling, I see nothing but good things in store for everyone here and all the THP staffers. We are all in good hands :drinks:
I believe I googled for reviews of Nickent equipment and found the main site. Read everything I could find there and eventually made my way to the forums. Joined up and been enjoying it ever since!!
Nope went after their Golden Love Child... Ryan Moore and what I thought of his lovely outfits. I think this is about 3rd time I've had a vacation. Actually I was pretty nice on comments this time about him shopping at Goodwill in kids and grandparents section! LOL I guessed someone really liked those super tight sweaters/shirts & pants and got their panties in a wad. :D
I have found that exact same thing on every other forum I've been on prior to THP as well. "Noob" bashing and just all around jerk offs hang out on most of the other sites I'm convinced. At first I spent about 50/50 on this forum and another, about a week later is was 75/25 in favor of THP, before I knew it things were 100% here and I've never looked back. This place is the best!!!

Googling for some info on the Superfast, and found the Biggsy is god of swingspeed post :)

I got this strange, homey feeling from the website, and after a few days of browsing I decide to join. Noticed how everyone basically seemed to "know" each other instead of just picking fights with each other like some other sites I had browsed.

Been posting and loving the site since!

JB you did one heck of a job getting this ball rolling, I see nothing but good things in store for everyone here and all the THP staffers. We are all in good hands :drinks:
After visiting regularly right after joining I was so impressed with the way the admins interacted and stayed involved rather than just throwing their weight around, not to mention the members here are 2nd to none, that is what convinced me that I had to join the team. I'm so happy that JB and GolferGal accepted me into my role on the staff, I could never imagine not doing it!
I visited a few times before I joined the forum while searching for reviews, and other random information.

I’ve noticed that I have not been able to keep up with the content both in the forums and on the front page due to the rate it is growing.

Joining a forum is like dating, you’re never sure if it is going to work out and then you meet the parents.
I found my way here doing a random serach of the internet for golf equipment reviews. I beleive THP does it better than any other and I like how positive the site is compared to most others where members seem bent on trashing others.
Like others stated before, I found this site while searching for reviews of golf equipment. I kept on seeing reviews pop up, took a look at the site in detail and joined. This is definitely a great site.
I was looking for reviews on drivers and found my new internet golf home... Thanks THP !!
Interesting to read through this and see who's come and gone. I don't miss those with their names in white, though I miss some of the gals. Golf forum chicks rock.
