New to Site, brief intro--Swing Questions


New member
Jul 13, 2010
Reaction score
Layton, Utah
Howdy all,
Just found this site and couldn't be more pleased with it:D I have been playing now for 2 years. I am pretty much self taught, with some help from my friends (good golfers, but not instructors). I have really focused on my short game, mainly cause the local course has a great practice area and I can't afford it any other way. My short game is good, especially considering I haven't played all that long and the rest of my game is iffy.

Since I have a lot of free time in the summer I try to practice at least an hour a day. I usually hit my shag bag, roughly 80 balls, a few times anywhere from 50 to 80 yds. I am getting real good with feel from doing this. I usually putt for a while too. Right now I play a couple times a month, would play more but the rest of my game is inconsistent. My last 10 rounds of nine have all been between 46-48. I have plateaued and know its because of my distance and over the top swing.

I recently met with a local pro who helped me understand what I was doing wrong. We worked on dropping my arm in the downswing instead of moving my hands in classic over the top form. He also had me really work on bringing my right arm over, rotating as I hit the ball. I went out the next day and hit better than I ever hit before. I was swinging effortlessly and the ball was getting distance I have always wanted. I couldn't believe how different the feel was.

However, the next few times were frustrating, I was shanking the ball repeatedly, which has never really been my problem. :angry:Try as I might I couldn't get that motion back consistently. Many of my shots were pop flys as well. I know that integrating a swing change will mess you up. Just wondering what advice you might have to help me conquer my over the top habits and help me develop more of a pure swing. I read about the baseball diamond drill, but am having a hard time visualizing it, is there some where I can view it? I have also heard that in the downswing to point the butt of the club between 1st and 2nd base. Thoughts?

I guess I should say that tempo has been a big problem for me. I tend to start down before I have fully gone back and get chunky and my divots behind and point to the left of the ball. Thanks in advance, this is a neat forum. Look forward to reading your advice
First off welcome to the forum. Since your time with the local pro got you hitting the ball so well I would suggest seeing him again. The problem with a swing change is when you first do it it works but as you continue on your muscle memory will take you back to your previous swing traits. So now you probably have a little of both the new and old and they are conflicting. See if you can set something up with the pro to look at your swing now and get you back on the right track. Then you need to have to practice this until it is locked in so it is automatic. This will take time and you more than likely will have to get your pro working with you off and on during this period. One lesson will not do it for most anyone. You will need the pro to monitor your swing to be sure you are continuing correctly with the new swing. This may sound expensive and it probably will be but if you are serious about becoming a good player it is very important to get your basic swing ingrained so it can be repeatable time and time again. Practice only works if you are practicing the correct moves.
I copied this thread from Ask the Pro and added it to the Check in Desk so everyone can welcome you. The Ask the Pro doesn't show up on the main page and I didn't want anyone to miss this post. Welcome to THP!!!
Welcome to THP! There is a Ask the Pro section where you can post this same question, hes very good at helping and getting back to everyones questions.
Welcome to THP! There is a Ask the Pro section where you can post this same question, hes very good at helping and getting back to everyones questions.

He did, I copied this thread and added it to the check in desk as well so people would see it and this way they could welcome him. Thanks OEM!!
Hello and :welcome: Our resident pro is a great source of information :)
welcome aboard peacedog!
Welcome Peace! And...well...

Roy 'Tin Cup' McAvoy: Well, I tend to think of the golf swing as a poem.
Clint: Ooh, he's doing that poetry thing again.
Roy 'Tin Cup' McAvoy: The critical opening phrase of this poem will always be the grip. Which the hands unite to form a single unit by the simple overlap of the little finger. Lowly and slowly the clubhead is led back. Pulled into position not by the hands, but by the body which turns away from the target shifting weight to the right side without shifting balance. Tempo is everything; perfection unobtainable as the body coils down at the top of the swing. Theres a slight hesitation. A little nod to the gods.
Dr. Molly Griswold: A, a nod to the gods?
Roy 'Tin Cup' McAvoy: Yeah, to the gods. That he is fallible. That perfection is unobtainable. And now the weight begins shifting back to the left pulled by the powers inside the earth. It's alive, this swing! A living sculpture and down through contact, always down, striking the ball crisply, with character. A tuning fork goes off in your heart and your balls. Such a pure feeling is the well-struck golf shot. Now the follow through to finish. Always on line. The reverse C of the Golden Bear! The steel workers' power and brawn of Carl Sandburg's. Arnold Palmer!
Romeo Posar: Unnhh, he's doing the Arnold Palmer thing.
Roy 'Tin Cup' McAvoy: End the unfinished symphony of Roy McAvoy.
Welcome to THP!! I'm sure you'll find the answers to all your questions plus a whole lot more!