Start with the shoulders
Swing Thoughts?

I'm sure this thread had been posted before.... but I was curious what's going through other people's head right before their swing? Other than "Please be good please be good please be....crap!" haha

My thought sounds odd but I go through the same routine every time. Anyone see Hoosiers when Gene Hackmen takes his team to the Championship gym and have them measure the rim so that they can see it's the same size hoop just as back home? Whenever I have a tough shot (over hazard/ round tree etc etc) I try to remind myself that i've hit this shot a thousand times before on the range. I try to litterally erase the hazard from my mind, all I see is the ball sitting on the driving range grass and the target green in front of me. Nothing else.

Anybody else got a good pre swing thought?
Merged with another Swing Thoughts thread.
knew you would. thanks JB!
"Nice and easy" would be the one for me aswell. A few waggles to loosen up everything. Other than that I'm a big fan of just adress -> swing. No practice swings, no thinking. Just do it. Then analyze.

I've known for the longest time that the swing should be relaxed, and up until a few weeks ago I thought that was what I was doing. But in reality I wasn't. At least not in the downswing. Major breakthrough for me when I started imagining that the club should just fall to the ground if I stopped my swing at the top. I swing easier and hit the ball further. Weirdest thing how the brain just takes over and makes you try force the club for that extra oomph even though you know for a fact that it won't help.
My current swing thoughts usually are during my practice swing(s) and during setup. I currently tend to fall away from the swing line during follow through. So my practice swings are directed at that issue and any issues I think are appearing.

Once I start my back swing, I try to check that I rotated my hips, did not slide back on my right foot and have come to a complete stop at the top. Then just "go". No thinking, just swing.

Personally I swing too slow, at best 90mph with the driver. So there really is no "too fast" for my swing.
Move my shoulders not just my arms!!
Turn those shoulders around that melon...Don't move that melon !!!! ( i sway from time to time)
TCalloway and I were chatting about what goes through our minds as we address the ball. Right now - since I'm in the middle of lessons - I just think about hinging my wrists. I asked my father and he said he envisions where the ball will go. What are you thinking about as you address the ball?

For a during the swing thought I like "smooth tempo".
Toss the club to the top using the right hip moving to the target. Allow the left heel to come off the ground (forces a pause and plant at the top for me). Oh... And bury the knuckles in the ground.