What are you snacking on?

Ultimate Ham and Cheese sandwich from CVS. It's actually not named that, I just like to call it that.
sourdough pretzels
Yoo Hoo, Funyuns, and a Hostess fruit pie. I really need to quit shopping at gas stations.
Yoo Hoo, Funyuns, and a Hostess fruit pie. I really need to quit shopping at gas stations.

you ran out of the tins of porch beef?

im having a werthers original
Beer :-D
ditto on the brewski nuck!
thanks for reminding me... im gonna go get a beer... brb
Breakfast of champions!!!

And lunch.....and Dinner....and Late night snack.....
orange jello and miller lite... buahaha
wild rice and Michelob
Sailor Jerry spiced rum and rootbeer
that sounds interesting... never tried rum and rootbeer

If you like that try it with cream soda!

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yes it is good with cream soda as well, hell I've even had it with grape or orange soda and its great!
red grapes
Kettle Corn :)
marinated artichoke hearts and smoked oysters
Cape Cod salt and vinegar chips
Extra crunchy peanut butter