
Jun 25, 2009
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Texas, MD
Anyone watch this on the Golf Channel? I finally added it to my DVR and so far Ive enjoyed the episodes that Ive caught. Opinions? thoughts?
I record it every week. I like his enthusiasm and find most of his fixes well thought out. Last year he went a little too quick on most everything and he looked like he was on speed or had 10 lattes before the show. This year is one hour in stead of the 30 minutes last year. TGC put some bucks into the set he works from and it makes the show just that much better. While it doesn't help my game all that much I enjoy just watching him go through his paces every week. I get a kick out of it and look forward to it every week.
I really enjoyed this last episode. I think I caught the show last year and remember thinking the same thing, way too fast, way too much and he needed to slow down. Or cut back on the blow lol
Maybe they figured out how much people disliked the frenetic pace of the show last year and put him on Valium. I caught a piece of the show the other night and he seemed much more calm and wasn't yelling at the screen. Now if they would just can the GolfNow commercials.
I think that is why it was expanded to an hour. Michael tried to get as much in as he could last year and the only way to do it was at warp speed. This year I don't think he is covering all that much more but is doing it at a more normal pace. I think he could be the poster boy for a Type A personality.
The only thing I don't like is he IS a bit quick on the show with his talking and his lessons, I understand it though because he is trying to get through so much in so little time.
Re: The Golf Fix

You would think that by now people will put their location in their emails and such so the man can stop complaining about it. Oh and +1 on those annoying golf now commercials.
It's one of those show's that is good to have on the DVR when there is nothing else on. I have gotten some really good tips although the host can be a little off putting, he definitely knows his stuff.
The golf fix

The golf fix

Any one ever watch THE GOLF FIX ???
If it's golf and on TV, I watch it....much to the delight of my girlfriend:D
If they have an account here I'd assume they've seen it.
It's a good show I watch it when I have time.
Sometimes I don't like his lessons. I like him better than the other guy on Golf channel though
Like the show set up on dvr..
What show now?

I watch it about half the time when it's on. I dvr it and watch it after my wife falls asleep. I've fallen asleep 4x in the wedges episode so far, trying to finish it so I can hear Bob Vokey talk about them!

That. Just. Happened. (tapatalk)
Breed can be a bit annoying at times but I do like the show. It's set up to be recorded on my DVR weekly.
Not a fan of The Golf Fix. IMO its too fast-paced and Breed doesnt do a good enough job of explaining what he is trying to teach. Not that School Of Golf is perfect either but I much prefer it to The Golf Fix.

I watch it about half the time when it's on. I dvr it and watch it after my wife falls asleep. I've fallen asleep 4x in the wedges episode so far, trying to finish it so I can hear Bob Vokey talk about them!

That. Just. Happened. (tapatalk)
JUST finished watching good show i like it because he explains things so you understand and lots of good info..:clapp::clapp:
not a fan either, just too far out there for me, and no need to scream, we arent all deaf
I enjoy watching the show. Learn some things from it.
It's a good show. I've picked up a couple things from the show that have helped me improve my game. However, he does tend to get a little loud at times.

I really liked this week's show which featured Vokey. Does anyone know where I can find the whole episode?
Merged with an existing thread.
I watched the first show, he was too intense for me. Has he changed?