Tiger Woods Schedules News Conference

I have to say that while he did come across heart felt and sincere, belief in him will come from actions and in his case thats tough seeing inside a closed door. Not a lot has changed as far as I'm concerned, other than a couple of things that stood out as positives to me.

1. Tiger didn't blame his incredible status and inability to "be a normal person" for his indiscretions. He blamed his self and took ownership for what HE did.

2. Tiger never said when he would be back. Never even touched the idea that it could be this year. That tells me that his efforts or focus is on fixing the problems in his personal life, not his golf game.
I have to say that while he did come across heart felt and sincere, belief in him will come from actions and in his case thats tough seeing inside a closed door. Not a lot has changed as far as I'm concerned, other than a couple of things that stood out as positives to me.

1. Tiger didn't blame his incredible status and inability to "be a normal person" for his indiscretions. He blamed his self and took ownership for what HE did.

2. Tiger never said when he would be back. Never even touched the idea that it could be this year. That tells me that his efforts or focus is on fixing the problems in his personal life, not his golf game.

Well he did say he is not ruling out coming back and he is not ruling out it being this year, he just cannot give a definitive answer at this time.
No man on this board could honestly say that they could get up there and do what he did. Hell most people on here leave comments without leaving their name. No matter what it was bound to happen in this "perfect" sport that somebody wasn't perfect. What were to happen if I wasn't tiger? And say vijay Singh. Would it still be that big of a deal.

Some do, some don't, eh clg? Pot, meet kettle.
Well he did say he is not ruling out coming back and he is not ruling out it being this year, he just cannot give a definitive answer at this time.

I'm just glad he didn't give a definitive answer. While I really want him back on tour soon, I want his family and then himself solved? Hope that makes sense.
No man on this board could honestly say that they could get up there and do what he did. Hell most people on here leave comments without leaving their name. No matter what it was bound to happen in this "perfect" sport that somebody wasn't perfect. What were to happen if I wasn't tiger? And say vijay Singh. Would it still be that big of a deal.

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You've def hit another good point. I also don't get why it's so insincere if he wrote it down. Does that mean most of the media (print, music, art etc) isn't sincere? Some of the most personal things I have ever had to write were revised, rehearsed... Because you don't want to miss something.

I understand it's possible someone could have wrote that for him, but how many times do people write their own wedding song? Let the man try to mend his family and life.
I'm just glad he didn't give a definitive answer. While I really want him back on tour soon, I want his family and then himself solved? Hope that makes sense.

It absolutely does. I wish now that this new conference is over that we can move on and start enjoying golf but I just know people will still be talking about this forever.
I could do it. I am very comfortable with public speaking. Even better in front of family and friends. :D
No man on this board could honestly say that they could get up there and do what he did. Hell most people on here leave comments without leaving their name. No matter what it was bound to happen in this "perfect" sport that somebody wasn't perfect. What were to happen if I wasn't tiger? And say vijay Singh. Would it still be that big of a deal.

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Did anyone see the mouthguard under his tongue but behind his bottom teeth? it was silver and shiny?
you could notice an almost lisp
Did anyone see the mouthguard under his tongue but behind his bottom teeth? it was silver and shiny?
you could notice an almost lisp

Interesting I didnt notice that.
Didn't see that, but it lends credence to the facial damage he allegedly sustained back in November. Interesting.
Did anyone see the mouthguard under his tongue but behind his bottom teeth? it was silver and shiny?
you could notice an almost lisp
I mean he looks down and is reading constantly, you can see it if you watch for it. and when he stumbles on his words, you can see im adapt to it. He is one of the best speakers out there on any given day, but something is just off with his pronunciation of his words, and its not just emotion
I have mixed feelings about his speech. Although he seems sincere, the speech was too scripted. A "higher road" approach, which I think would have resulted in more redemption points if you will, IMO would have been to be more candid, open and take questions. You screwed up, fine. Now just face things straight on and take whatever blows are needed to get back.
As far as I'm concern, the only people he really has to apologize to and answer to with respect to his behaviour is his family, so it is not as if he has to answer all questions... inappropriate questions can be dealt with a simply "I don't feel this is suitable for me to answer, as it strictly a matter between my wife and me" or something to that nature. However, this takes skills and the margin of error is definitely greater... but so is the payoff if one can pull it off.
His little talk has some of our local catv stations going full tilt boogie with lawyers, and others dissecting his each and every word. Crazy stuff.........:D
^ Yep, JB said this was going to happen earlier in this post. I think its sad that it has to be talked about so much. I say that, but I guess if it were my job, I wouldnt care what people thought. Because, essentially that would mean me being able to put food on the table. So, I am as tired of hearing about this as anyone. I am glad THP Media has not touched this. Thanks JB and GG
That barrel might cause you to change your swing. Not sure though, you might ask ur local pro about that. :D

I'll have it fit for me just like my clubs...
Put back the million and even remove the 0 to just make it $5 and I would still consider it.

Moving to THP full-time is clearly wearing on GG's sanity :D
^ Yep, JB said this was going to happen earlier in this post. I think its sad that it has to be talked about so much. I say that, but I guess if it were my job, I wouldnt care what people thought. Because, essentially that would mean me being able to put food on the table. So, I am as tired of hearing about this as anyone. I am glad THP Media has not touched this. Thanks JB and GG

There are enough media outlets talking about it and dissecting every single word he says and repeating every conspiracy theory out there. People want to talk about it and we get that and we will talk about it a little but not like the rest of the news world is.
No man on this board could honestly say that they could get up there and do what he did.

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Really? I dont know what kind of man you are but I have no problems coming clean with my mistakes.
Really? I dont know what kind of man you are but I have no problems coming clean with my mistakes.

I feel that you may not have a problem coming clean with your mistakes, but youve never been on his scale of popularity, as a role model, or had this big of a mistake to deal with. Those three alone align for a perfect storm that he is doing his best to control
There are enough media outlets talking about it and dissecting every single word he says and repeating every conspiracy theory out there. People want to talk about it and we get that and we will talk about it a little but not like the rest of the news world is.

Makes this forum awesome to come too. It's focused on golf. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious, but this forum keeps it to certain threads so I can choose if I want to gossip :)
I'm going to give Mr. Woods the benefit of the doubt. I thought it was a heart felt apology, and his admission that he had felt he was above other people will go a long way toward his healing. I wish him and his family well.
I'm going to give Mr. Woods the benefit of the doubt. I thought it was a heart felt apology, and his admission that he had felt he was above other people will go a long way toward his healing. I wish him and his family well.

+1 well said.
I feel that you may not have a problem coming clean with your mistakes, but youve never been on his scale of popularity, as a role model, or had this big of a mistake to deal with. Those three alone align for a perfect storm that he is doing his best to control

Very true. There is no doubt being under the publics eye makes it even tougher, but isnt he kind of used to that? I mean just you or I doing a post round interview on TV would make us nervous but its something he is used to doing. Sure the press conference took a lot of guts but to say none of us would do it is a little extreme. Tiger has been in the publics eye for over a decade, I would think it makes it a little easier.