well a week from tom i have it scheduled. anybody done it? reading the brochure making me a little nervous lol

Not yet. I figure I need as much as possible covering my face. Actually have considered it, but at my age why mess with it?
Re: lasik

hesse said:
well a week from tom i have it scheduled. anybody done it? reading the brochure making me a little nervous lol
I did it about 4 years ago actually. Probably one of the greatest investments I ever made. My Dr was the one who actually did Tiger Woods eyes but I don't have billions or the hot blonde wife or 12 mistresses so I'm thinking I want my money back haha.

Honest the procedure is a piece of cake. It's over so fast the only pain you feel is after you realize how much money you spent for a 5 minute procedure.
im doing it also at a TLC eye center except in fargo ND which the company did tiger woods surgery yeah 3800 is a bit of a bite but no contacts or glasses for the next 20 years will be nice
Re: lasik

Yup mine was TLC in Newport beach. The dr who did mine owns all of tlc. Talk about a wealthy guy haha. I paid around 5k for mine was still worth it though. Absolutely no regrets and I went from not being able to read a stop sign from 10ft to now being better than 20/20 with absolutely no side effects dryness etc
I did it about 10 years ago. Best thing ever. Take a blank vcr tape or a blank DVD and have them record it for you.
Just had mine done a touch over 3 months ago. So far it's ok. 20/15 with both eyes open. 20/15 using dominate eye only and 20/30 with other eye only.Claimed they did it this way to help with up close reading.Unsure if I believe that.
Just had mine done a touch over 3 months ago. So far it's ok. 20/15 with both eyes open. 20/15 using dominate eye only and 20/30 with other eye only.Claimed they did it this way to help with up close reading.Unsure if I believe that.
I believe it BigLefty. Mine was 20/25 and 20/30. At the time I did a lot of close-up work (printing) and that was to help with that. You say you are 20/15 with both eyes open. Great. Are you able to see close up fine too? Should be able to.
I'd like to get mine done one day but I don't think I can. There's a range that you need to be within and I'm way over that range :(

I heard that in the future after getting lasik you will eventually end up wearing glasses so doesn't that defeat the purpose?

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I went and checked out my TLC..
They wanted $4800 for the set..
I could not pull the trigger immediately..
Still thinking on it..
Thing is, I am 45 years old so I am not so sure how long it will last for me....
Looking back into contacts as an alternative
I'd like to get mine done one day but I don't think I can. There's a range that you need to be within and I'm way over that range :(

I heard that in the future after getting lasik you will eventually end up wearing glasses so doesn't that defeat the purpose?

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How bad are you? I wanted Lasik done back in 2005 but my cornea was too thin. I believe my prescription at the time was in the area of -10.5. I was off the chart as far as the 20/xxxx scale was concerned.

So they ended up doing PRK, which is the older procedure where they laser the surface of your eye. It hurts more but I don't need glasses now. They got me into the 20/20 range.

My side effects are dry eyes and halos at night. Neither of which is a big deal. I'm just glad to be rid of the coke bottles.

I figure if I need glasses again, I reset my prescription. So if i need 'em, it won't be anything like what they were.

Also there was a newer procedure when I went in where they implant contacts inside your eye. It was alot more expensive because it required a full operating room and staff, I think 7000 instead of the 3500 for Lasik. One advantage of it is you can have it redone. But that was over 4 years ago and I have no idea who the outcomes were like.
I took my tax return money about 5 years ago I think and did mine. THE BEST MONEY I EVER SPENT! EVER. Its a simple procedure thats over in 5 minutes. Its not painful at all. It is a little strange having stuff done to your eye ball but its so worth it. I played sports growing up and never wore glasses or contacts until HS. All the sudden I had these stupid glasses always in the way. hated it! I tried contacts but my eyes were too dry and they always moved or fell out. When lasik came down in price so us normal people could afford it I did it. Ive never looked back!
I had mine done 5 years ago while I was in the military. I was 20/15 for about 2 years after and I am now 20/30. Since I had it done when I was 25 they said that it is possible to fall back a little so I now wear glasses at night for driving because of the halos but besides that its great going from 20/400 to 20/30.
I had it done in 2004. Best $4k I've ever spent. 20/15 vision, can open my eyes underwater, no taking contacts in/out, etc.

I just did a cost analysis for my surgery as a part of some legal proceedings I'm involved in....when you figure the cost of contact solution, saline, eye dr's appts, glasses, etc I would've spent the same amount as my surgery cost over the 5 yrs since I had the surgery done. So if you're on the fence, the break even point is 5 yrs for the up front investment