Shoulder Turn Exercises

Chump Fries

Captain Awesome
Dec 13, 2009
Reaction score
Hello all,

I know that having a complete shoulder turn is critical for power and preventing coming over the top. I'm a very athletic 25 year old, but I'm not very flexible.

What are some good exercises that are good for improving your shoulder turn?

Also, if any of you have some other good exercises for improving your game, they would be greatly appreciated too.

Here's one (I think :confused2:):

At address, when you turn (don't sway) your chin should be up against your left shoulder (that's if you're a righty).

This also works for me to keep my head down...

Thanks Golf Chick.

I was looking for more like stretches or physical exercises so that I can increase my range of motion. I know that my shoulder needs to get under my chin, I just don't have enough flexibility to get it there without straining.
While flexible shoulders are important for a good shoulder turn, many people forget that a good shoulder turn is also from being able to disconnect the lower core from the shoulder turn. That is what gives you the extra torque in the swing. Thus, you should also focus on stretches that allow your hips, shoulders and lower back to work independently of each other.

Check these out... I have been doing variations of the "Hip Crossover", "Open Book Stretch", "Diagonal Squat Lifts" and "Hip Drops" for years. I swear by these.
These look great. I'll try them out.
More of a drill than a stretch:

Stand in your setup position, with a golf club on the floor along the inside of your back foot. Cross your arms over your chest, holding another club across your chest. Turn for your takeaway--the goal is to end up with the two clubs lined up, parallel to each other.