Team THP is off to the PGA Show

Looking forward to see the show through all of your eyes. Hope you all have a blast!!
Can't wait to see the coverage for this year.
This will be a great time. If it's anything like the equipment and apparel shows I've been to it will be very hard to absorb everything you see. By the second day my head is reeling. Good thing the camera is rolling.
Looking forward to hearing about it! And lots of pictures!
Definitely looking forward to your report!
awesome. have a good time can't wait to hear reports on all things golf. right after the show my local store will have TM Burner Superfast available along with other items! stoked.
Can't wait to see the pictures!!
Me as well. Especially apparel. Not too concerned about equip. this year :D

+1...until that magic club appears with the 'come hither' looks....