What are you avoiding doing right now?

I interview high school seniors for my alma mater, and right now I'm avoiding writing up the last interview. Nice guy, really bright, but nothing particular to say about him.
so many things...where do I start?
The Dishes......................
Math Homework, I did a little bit but I should do more. I just can't remember how to do most of this stuff and I'm too lazy to look it up.
Work. The year-end reporting never ends.
balancing the checkbook
My actual projects at work that I should do :)
Work. Right now I just don't want to do any kind of work.
cleaning my office
Laying out branch wiring (all the plugs and switches, I'm bidding an airport renovation). I hate starting a new task this late in the day, and I'd blow it off until tomorrow, but this job bids tomorrow.
Laying out branch wiring (all the plugs and switches, I'm bidding an airport renovation). I hate starting a new task this late in the day, and I'd blow it off until tomorrow, but this job bids tomorrow.

Sounds like you've put it off as long as possible, haha
Laying out branch wiring (all the plugs and switches, I'm bidding an airport renovation). I hate starting a new task this late in the day, and I'd blow it off until tomorrow, but this job bids tomorrow.
cut'n her pretty close aren't ya?