THP Let's Make a Deal Contest

Way to go!
A great night!
Big Winner.
Smalls is avenged.

Equilibrium is restored in the universe.

Night from snowy Greater Cleveland everyone !!!
Nice win Rhino!!! Do you get to keep the other cool swag you won too since you're the big winner?
This was a lot of fun, and I hadn't even entered for a chance to play.

Thanks GG & JB!
"...cause we're the three best friends that anyone could have..."

hahahaha, a lil "the hangover" for you. He prob doesnt know that
Thank you to GG and JB and all tose who have said congrats so far and of course the one person most responsible for this win

I would like to say thanks to JB and GG for putting this together this has been really cool and a ton of fun.
Before I go.....thanks JB and GG and THP and companies involved for the great game, this was a BLAST!
Thanks JB and GG, look forward to tommorrow.
Whew the pressure of day one is over. I hope everyone had a good time with this. Congrats to all the winners!!!! :clapp::blob::bananadance::clapp:
Was fun! Thanks again JB/GG!

See you guys tom. night!! :banana:
thanks GG AND JB!
Great time JB and GG! What a blast.
This contest was a BLAST cant wait for the next 2 rounds
Congrats to White Rhino!

Thanks JB and GG. This was a lot of fun. I would like to donate my prize to Ellie. She looks like a cool dog worthy of a treat.

thanks for the festivities JB, GG, and Ellie! It's gonna be tough to top this one.