Caption This Christmas Eve

Russell quietly perched his ball atop the rough when his playing partners weren't looking...
His friends did always accused him of floundering around the golf course.
I removed so much water from the hazard while retrieving my golf balls that I left this guy high and dry.
"So are you going to sing or not? Billy Bass does....."
"oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Who lives in the daff-o-dils off of the teeeeeeee...."
I yelled fore 3 times Bill.....did you not hear me?
My Skycaddie Reads:

209 Bunker Front
230 Bunker Back

241 Fish Tail
242 Fish Head

This thing is as accurate as it gets!!!
Anyone playing a chicken of the sea #4?
I hope this doesn't count as a hazard, I'm already getting my bass kicked.
"Well, David, it seems I've flound-er"
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Nemo: use your rescue club!
OK. This global warming thing is happening just a bit too fast...
Hank Haney always said he could even teach a fish to golf. Unfortunately for his newest pupil at the PGA Q-School he truly was a fish out of water.
Round of golf $45.00
Fishing trip down the Feather River $250.00
Combining the two..........PRICELESS!!!!!!
John has been fighting his hook all day!
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Damn I always hit that greenside sand trout.
"That's exactly how I felt when I 1st started a fish out of water!"
Some great captions everybody. Keep them coming.
ALRIGHT! Now she can't complain that golf doesn't put food on the table!
This is what happens when you pull-hook your drive...
Only a few hours left on this one.