What are you watching? (No Spoilers)

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I remember that one Dyna. You have to admit though, that it was pretty realistic:

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But here's the sad thing:
MArshall, Will and Holly.
On a routine expedition
When the greatest earthquake, ever known.
High on the rapids
It tossed their tiny raft
And plunged them down
A thousand feet below.

To the laaaaaannnd of the loooost (lost, lost, lost)
Why is that still in my head?
Thanks Harry. Fixed. I need to start checking that before posting.

Thanks Harry. Fixed. I need to start checking that before posting.

No comment on the fact that I can recite the theme song off the top of my head?!?!

I mean, seriously, why is that song still in my head after 30 years???? For Pete's sake, no wonder I suck at math! Stupid kiddie theme songs won't give up ground in my brain!!! I find this very disturbing!
No comment on the fact that I can recite the theme song off the top of my head?!?!

I would, but then I'd have to find one of those pot/kettle pictures! I don't know that one, but I know plenty of others.
I had remered the sleestacks name but could not recall what they looked like. For some reason I had remembered them as these hooded creatures & not the Creature from the black lagoon. However it was nice to see that even though it's been 34 yrs, Chaka hasn't aged at all:D

That opening intro is hilarious, the special effects are so bad I can't help but laugh when I saw it. Made my wife sit down & watch an episode, about halfway thru she was thinking about calling the police & telling them she was a prisoner in her own home.
Sigmund, the Sea Monster
and Johnny and Scott are friends
The finest of friends
you ever did see
on the land or in the sea.

Dr. Shrinker, Dr. Shrinker
He's a madman with an evil mind
Dr. Shrinker, Dr. Shrinker
He's as [something, "crazy"?] as you'll ever find!

The Bugaloos, the Bugaloos
They're in the air and everywhere
Flyin' high
Flyin' free


H.R. Puf-n-Stuf
He's your friend when things get tough
H.R. Puff-n-Stuf
I had remered the sleestacks name but could not recall what they looked like. For some reason I had remembered them as these hooded creatures & not the Creature from the black lagoon. However it was nice to see that even though it's been 34 yrs, Chaka hasn't aged at all:D

That opening intro is hilarious, the special effects are so bad I can't help but laugh when I saw it. Made my wife sit down & watch an episode, about halfway thru she was thinking about calling the police & telling them she was a prisoner in her own home.

I never did understand the (spacecraft) guy in the glitter suit.

And I remember obelisks, but can't recall what they did. I know they characters went inside them sometimes.
One of the funniest Family Guy's ever. The Petoria episode.

Classic line:
"I was skeptical, but then I thought, I could be like Hillary Clinton...Without the penis."

Lois Griffin
I think she's just a pirate.

September 16 is National Talk Like a Pirate Day. Except I say, "Arrrgh!" all the time.

Watching "Get Smart". It's no Casino Royale, but I don't think it's as bad as the reviews made it out to be. It's silly fun.

It was horrible. The Kid loved it, and he also loved the last Indiana Jones movie. That should tell you something.

H.R. Pufnstuf? I had a huge crush on Jack Wild (Wilde?).
It was horrible. The Kid loved it, and he also loved the last Indiana Jones movie. That should tell you something.

Oh, it wasn't that bad. Perfectly acceptable for a cable movie.

Besides, Anne Hathaway is kinda hot. Sorta like Julia Roberts, if Julia Roberts was hot.
I watched "Highlander Endgame" the other night. Nothing cooler than watching a bunch of silly people with swords.

And it's hilarious tonight.
We watched a few weeks of it last year. It was OK but you could miss a few shows and not really miss anything. When you watched, you laughed a lot at all the people getting creamed, but got old after a while.
We watched a few weeks of it last year. It was OK but you could miss a few shows and not really miss anything. When you watched, you laughed a lot at all the people getting creamed, but got old after a while.

That's why the new episode was good. They have a bunch of new ways to hurt people.
We'll probably watch off and on to see the new stuff.
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