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Albatross 2024 Club
Staff member
Oct 8, 2008
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We wrote about this and it looks like it has officially become a reality. We will be having our very own belt buckle made and we are pretty proud of this one. When someone is deciding on something stylish they want to find the best person for the job so where would THP turn to? Sligo of course! The designer only had to throw one idea at us and we were sold on our 1st buckle. Here is the picture. We were going to get colorful, but when we saw these we figured lets do this one first.

Here is the deal. We are only getting a very limited number made and will have pricing very soon. We will also only be getting either Black or White done and we want you guys to decide. The front will look like it is shown. The back we are going to try and have it say:

Limited Edition

With each of our buckles we do each year we will only be making 25. Each one will be numbered and hopefully everybody enjoys them. Like the PAHR shirts we went for quality over anything else and we think that with this group behind us, everybody will like what they see.


We want to hear from everybody about what they think.
Wow, JB, that is some kind of cool! I'm positive it would be a big hit.
Those look awesome!
Oh my goodness! Those are BEAUTIFUL! :drool:

One question JB, are you going to have 25 white and 25 black, or 25 total?
That IS cool, you won't have any trouble selling those.

Dent will buy 11 of them!

(Looks like 907 and Floppy will buy at least that many as well!)
Hooray! I vote for black. More versatile.
I like the design a lot.
What kind of finish will it have on it. If you are going with a glossy type finish I vote for white. If it is more of a all metal matte color I vote for the black. Shiny black will look too cheese IMHO.
The black would look better, as long as you are able to see the "H."
I like it.
Thanks guys. Glad everybody seems to like the look a little bit. We want our first one to be affordable so everybody that wants it can grab one. We will have more information on pricing and when they are available in the next day or two.

We wanted to make sure that we went with someone we really believed in. Who better than one of our favorite brands out there than Sligo.
i might have to snag a white one
I am definately in for one!!! probably one of each to be more specific...
And I agree with Monty...I go for black as long as it is matte....

My current attire does not support a white buckle, but that could all change with my GC for PAHR....
Those look great. I'm liking the black one, as long as the H shows up better than in that picture.
We have our first run shirts made by PAHR golf that are available now. As we grow we will be adding things to the store that we think our members will really like. We try and find the best brands out there that people may not normally purchase and incorporate our ideas with them.

We could easily have gone and screen printed a bunch of shirts and sold them to make some cash, but we wanted to go with a high level of quality that when people purchased the items, they would be doing so because they really will use or wear them, not just to support us.

With that in mind, we are hopefully going to be adding some really cool things coming up that we think everybody will love. We are going to start with the Limited Edition Buckles by Sligo and go from there.
JB you can put me down for 1 in white! These look beautiful. Nice work guys!!!
As of right now, we will only be getting one color or the other. So we are going to make a poll for the front page. Vote if you get a chance please.
Both of them look incredible, I would buy either or both. I'm voting for the black since there will only be one.