What Golf Stuff Did You Do Today?

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I washed my house. I know you may think this has nothing to do with golf, but, I did it today because it was 63 degrees out for the first time this year and when it is even warmer tomorrow, I'll be golfing and not washing my house!
THP and a dome session. Four buckets worth. Feeling real relaxed about my game and my grip change. Not grip physically but the actual physical grips.

- THP'ed a bit
- modified by THP demo day room reservation
- ordered a new bag
hit a bunch of hybrids at GG then came home and bought a new betti.
Had my first official lesson followed by 30 minutes of range time.
Played 18 with my Dad, his boss, and another guy. Due to the 20 to 25 MPH wind, we decided it would probably be the best if we scrambled, since this was only our second time out this year. Tee to green, I had probably the best ball striking day I have ever had in my life. Its nice to see all the work I have put in at the range, starting to pay dividends. Putting was horrible, but with 25 MPH wind gusts, I am not going to put much stock into that. I am just tickled pink I drove the ball so well and hit nice, crisp iron shots. My Dad and I ended up shooting 1 over, in 25 MPH wind gusts, on only our second time out this year. I can't be too mad with that.
Cleaned my clubs... high of 68 degrees Thursday in upstate NY...
A little THP and 18 holes with Ole Gray and SW
went to the golf shop and hit some i20's, rolled some Odyssey Prototype's, and fondled some G20 4 woods.
Sold some clubs to secure funding for future hoarding.
27 holes in some serious wind. Scored terribly, but added some more wind time for Myrtle Beach.
While spending time here on THP while getting my son off to school... I am also playing a round of golf this morning, testing the new Callaway balls (part 2) and then loading the truck for FL.

Put Pure grips on my recently purchased Mashies!!
Walked a quick 9 on this little executive course. Nice day today.
Took the gf to see the Lakers (her favorite team) in Detroit last night, so we both took today off work.

It's nice out today, albeit windy as hell, so I plan on heading to the range to hit some balls and have her take some video of my swing for analysis.
I installed a Project X 5.5 driver shaft in my R9 driver and then I went to the range and hit it. Good times, I will be playing 18 with it tomorrow.
Met the owner of SeeMore Putters and picked up a SeeMore Si1
hit a large bucket then worked on the short game for a good hour.
Played 18 with Golf4Life.
wtc thanks for the invite! where did you guys play?

We played at a course in Turnersville. Was sort of a last minute thing, sorry dude! Won't happen again, I PROMISE.
Hit a ton of balls at the range, playing 18 tomorrow afternoon.
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