Are you for or against the anchored putter?

Are you for or against the anchored putter?

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the belly putter being anchored helps to take yips out of the stroke, help to keep the putter moving back and through with minimal side to side movement. Scott revived his career with the long putter. Bradley and Webb have been using them for a while now. I think the psychological beating they will take will pay a heavy price on their game.

I understand where you are coming from. Guess I would just like to see something factual that says putting is easier or these guys using the long ones have an "unfair" advantage.

Off the top of my head, I do not think these guys are leading the tour in putting. Stricker, Gay, and probably a few others are.

If anchoring gets banned that is fine but I hope it's not from player pressure or some illusion that these guys are cheating/getting away with something.
Can you compare Luke Donald's Driver to a Belly Putter anchored to someones midsection?

Why not? Luke's driver is comforming and abides by every rule in the rule book. What if the USGA said to him, you can no longer use that driver because it doesn't fit within this rule that we made. Would Luke Donald still be as good of a golfer if he was forced to use a club that he was not comfortable with?

Belly putters are conforming and abide by the rules in the rule book. If a player who is comfortable with that putter is instantly forced to use a piece of equipment that they were not comfortable with, they would suffer.
That is commendable behavior and honestly I am not trying to pick an argument but how does anyone really know what is in someone else's bag without having someone or some official check it? I am not sure I am that trusting of competitors in any situation.

If you are referring to balls, wedges, or an illegal driver then no one is likely to notice. But, not going to get away with using a belly putter and turning in scores for handicap if it is banned.
I understand where you are coming from. Guess I would just like to see something factual that says putting is easier or these guys using the long ones have an "unfair" advantage.

Off the top of my head, I do not think these guys are leading the tour in putting. Stricker, Gay, and probably a few others are.

If anchoring gets banned that is fine but I hope it's not from player pressure or some illusion that these guys are cheating/getting away with something.

I think the point some people are making is that they go against the spirit of the game because of the anchoring. Whether or not the people who use them are the best putters doesnt make a difference. Its like letting one guy tee off from the ladies tees and saying its cool cuz he didnt win anyway.
it is the anchoring aspect. it takes a lot a variables out of the putting stroke. Not saying I agree with doing away with them, but I do understand what they are saying.

So when they made the heads of woods metal, should they have banned that? That adds more distance without adding club head speed necessarily. Makes the game easier, right? Let's ban that too. And let's make balls what they used to be too.

Belly putters abide by all the rules as far as I'm aware. No reason to ban them.
If you are referring to balls, wedges, or an illegal driver then no one is likely to notice. But, not going to get away with using a belly putter and turning in scores for handicap if it is banned.

especially with it sticking a foot out of the top of your bag! lol
Do they really have that much of an advantage using them? Everyone has different styles and preferences that help them succeed but I still believe these guys would be relevant.

If there was that much of an advantage to using them, why would every pro not be doing it?

This. Everyone is free to use them, so it's not like the golfers that do use them have some sort of exception. Look at what happened when Phil tried using one! He was terrible with it.
I think the point some people are making is that they go against the spirit of the game because of the anchoring. Whether or not the people who use them are the best putters doesnt make a difference. Its like letting one guy tee off from the ladies tees and saying its cool cuz he didnt win anyway.

Spirit of the game? I don't think guys bombing it 340 yards off the tee falls into the spirit of the game as it was intended. Where does the line get drawn?

Drivers go further, balls fly farther, putters are made longer and held in a different fashion. All leads to possible lower scores.

The purists hate seeing guys hit it this far but the technology falls within the rules.
So when they made the heads of woods metal, should they have banned that? That adds more distance without adding club head speed necessarily. Makes the game easier, right? Let's ban that too. And let's make balls what they used to be too.

Belly putters abide by all the rules as far as I'm aware. No reason to ban them.

Good argument, but you still have to hit the ball with the driver the same way you always have. I think they are concerned that the belly putter are making it easier to actually perform the putting stroke.
I just don't understand why they would ban belly putters. No solid reasoning behind it IMO.

They won't totally ban it immediately I don't think. They will ease it in gradually and the biggest argument will be over whether they grandfather it for anyone or not.
Spirit of the game? I don't think guys bombing it 340 yards off the tee falls into the spirit of the game as it was intended. Where does the line get drawn?

Drivers go further, balls fly farther, putters are made longer and held in a different fashion. All leads to possible lower scores.

The purists hate seeing guys hit it this far but the technology falls within the rules.

So you would change the rules and eliminate all those?
They won't totally ban it immediately I don't think. They will ease it in gradually and the biggest argument will be over whether they grandfather it for anyone or not.

similar to the grove rule
So you would change the rules and eliminate all those?

Absolutely not....just as I don't see a reason to ban long putters. All of those examples are within the rules, I was simply speaking to the spirit of the game argument.
I think if Tiger tries using one and starts making everything it will be apparent that they make putting easier. His putting has been terrible recently (I hope that changes this week).
Good argument, but you still have to hit the ball with the driver the same way you always have. I think they are concerned that the belly putter are making it easier to actually perform the putting stroke.

No you don't. I am pretty sure that there are very few rules pertaining how to actually swing the golf club. If I wanted to swing my on one foot with my tongue out, while gripping the club in my armpit, it's legal. It won't be effective, but it's within the rules.
So has any type of deadline been put on a decision for this idea, or is this still just being kicked around?
Absolutely not....just as I don't see a reason to ban long putters. All of those examples are within the rules, I was simply speaking to the spirit of the game argument.

I agree. In the parameters of the game, keep them in.
Absolutely not....just as I don't see a reason to ban long putters. All of those examples are within the rules, I was simply speaking to the spirit of the game argument.

I get your point Cookie, but I just dont get the "they are within the rules" point. The whole point of the thread is that they want to change the rule. Everyone admits they are currently within the rules, some people just want to change that rule.
Well Kuchar doesn't anchor his putter to his belly, just the inside of his arm. But it is still anchored. What if Luke Donald wasn't allowed to play a driver that made him comfortable? Would he have won the money title? Belly putters are within the rules and they make their users feel comfortable. I fail to see why it's such a big deal. Webb, Bradley, Haas, Scott, or Levin are hardly good putters. It isn't like they won soley because of their putting.
everyone plays a driver not everyone plays an anchored putter. The guys that you don't thinka re good putters are some of the best on tour in 2011. My question was would these guys still be relevant with out their long putters?
I think its an advantage, and it does anchor. It takes it from a swing to a hinge. But if its in the rules, Ill use one. I dont think they should be allowed.

I think Tigers idea has been the best one so far.
No you don't. I am pretty sure that there are very few rules pertaining how to actually swing the golf club. If I wanted to swing my on one foot with my tongue out, while gripping the club in my armpit, it's legal. It won't be effective, but it's within the rules.

What are you talking bout? I was saying whether you are swinging a Metal wood, or a Persimmons Wood, you still have to hit the ball with the club. Again, I am just playing devils advocate on this whole thing. I could care less what decision is made. All I am saying is that the Belly Putter is changing the putting stroke, the Metal Wood didn't necessarily change the Golf Swing.
So for arguments sake lets say the rule is passed and belly putters go away. Will the hot golfers using them still be relevant? Scott, Webb, Kuchar, levin, Bradley, hass will lose what helped them win. Will this take them out of the elite on tour. I mean we all dubbed them the solid future of the tour. It without their belly putters I venture to say that they would not have won and will struggle to win anytime soon.

That is an assumption that these guys dont putt well with a regular putter. Perhaps some choose it by preference, just as others choose not to use it preference. There is no way I would say that these guys won because their belly putter.

Not to rehash the Tiger argument because its not about that, but do we know that they are only working with Tiger? We know they are working with him because he was asked about it at a press conference. Does anyone know as a fact they never have talked to Bradley about his putter and his thoughts?

What I said was that I know for a fact that they did not speak to EVERY guy on the PGA Tour. If you are going to be a sanctioning body, it is my belief you either do it for or with, but not half way. In this case they are clearly speaking to one or some, but not all and that is what I have an issue with.


I have an honest question for those that think this is about Tiger. Lets say Tiger Woods during his awful putting over the last 2 years picked up a belly. Then you hear in a press conference that Phil Mickelson says to the USGA that they should be banned. What are your thoughts? Based on the past 2 years on this forum, his fans would be BLASTING Phil and saying its none of his business. "If its legal, its legal", etc. I just dont understand why everything about a player is so hate vs love and nobody seems to be able to look at the actual "stuff" and rather the fan or hatred around it.
I get your point Cookie, but I just dont get the "they are within the rules" point. The whole point of the thread is that they want to change the rule. Everyone admits they are currently within the rules, some people just want to change that rule.

Why change this rule though? Why not change the rule on metal woods too?
JB, Personally I think Belly Putters should be banned but to each their own. I wouldn't like seeing Tiger pick up the putter and I would hate it more to see Phil call up a press conference about that. Pretty redundant to me since we saw him pick one up last season.