Half tucked is the worst


Jax, FL
Albatross 2024 Club
Mar 7, 2013
Reaction score
Sorry Kev, but half untucked shirts are the worst look IMO.

I'm far from a traditionalist, I'm pro untucked or tucked. Just don't get caught in the middle.

I rock half tucked shirts all the time.

But, I also don’t care if it bothers anyone haha
As a bigger guy, shirt coming untucked in the back is something I’m always fixing haha sorry
As a bigger guy, shirt coming untucked in the back is something I’m always fixing haha sorry
Skinny guys don’t fight the battles we do.
I rock half tucked shirts all the time.

But, I also don’t care if it bothers anyone haha
Did it start out that way?
The worst is the guy that stands in the middle of the fairway and undoes his pants to tuck his shirt in.
The worst is the guy that stands in the middle of the fairway and undoes his pants to tuck his shirt in.
Hahahahaha! YES!
I rock half tucked shirts all the time.

But, I also don’t care if it bothers anyone haha
Never really did care what others did that didn't affect me or my peeps. Part of growing up in the 'hood. Stay in your own damn lane.
Never really did care what others did that didn't affect me or my peeps. Part of growing up in the 'hood. Stay in your own damn lane.
If only society as a whole would think that way.

Except stupid ass 14-way dividers. 🤣
Is there a way to not look like this by the end of the round? I've yet to find it.
Us fat guys start out tucked but it doesn’t take too many golf swings to become half tucked.
Us fat guys start out tucked but it doesn’t take too many golf swings to become half tucked.
I don't even pretend. I just start out untucked.
Air circulates better untucked.
No, I don't feel like a heathen either, so I must be a heathen.
If my untucked shirt offends thee, tough shirttails.
Don't look.
Or cover your eyes and wail.
I don't care.
I rock half tucked shirts all the time.

But, I also don’t care if it bothers anyone haha
Saaaaame. Always have. Just my thing.
Is there a way to not look like this by the end of the round? I've yet to find it.

Pants/shorts that have silicon lining around the waistband. I have some Kenneth Cole shorts like that. I’m sure there’s others.
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Pants/shorts that have silicon lining around the waistband. I have some Kenneth Cole shorts like that. I’m sure there’s others.
Have those. Just means it's not until the back nine instead of the front it comes untucked in the back.
I know how I’m wearing my shirt tomorrow. The Streel.
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I prefer my shirts tucked in and get annoyed when it becomes untucked, lol.
My shirts come half untucked when I play all the time. I try to stay tucked in but can’t always. I am sure he was more focused on playing golf than staying tucked in.
Pants/shorts that have silicon lining around the waistband. I have some Kenneth Cole shorts like that. I’m sure there’s others.
That silicon lining puts up a decent fight, but ultimately it’s losing the battle somewhere during the round.
That silicon lining puts up a decent fight, but ultimately it’s losing the battle somewhere during the round.

Yup, and another reason I like the woven belts. Works for me.