
Just playing for fun
Oct 1, 2010
Reaction score
Garner, NC - USA
OOB 17.3

I have tried more times than I can count in the 20+ years I have been killing myself, and I'm finally done.

I have a long and ugly road in front of me, so if I get short (no offense CL) with any of you forgive me.

In the interest of full disclosure I am smoking a cigarette as I type this. I have one left before I go to bed... and that's it!

Nuff said, I will check in daily to to tell you how it's going and everything else that is involved with my quit plan.
Ya buddy! I have not had one in 8 days and I feel great. It gets a little easier every day, and I will stay in this thread with my own thoughts and follow along with you.
Awesome to hear! Hope it goes well!
Awesome Matt - good for you buddy! You are doing yourself a favor for many reasons!!

Use this thread honestly and frequently to track your progress - you can succeed at this.
Good luck sir! Smoking is gross and an expensive habit! You will feel alot better when you have kicked it.
Quitting isn't hard! I have quit 41 times!:laughing:
Glad for you guys.. Wish you success
Good luck! I really need to quit myself.
Good for you! :clapp: Best decision EVER! Keep lots of gum and lemon drops close by.
Think of all the money you will save from not buying cigarettes! More money to spend on golf! You should put that in aside and have it as your "Golf Goodies" fund.
More money for golf equipment now huh ?:golf2:... Good for you :clapp:
Matt I think that is a great plan. I wish my dad had quit long before he got cancer and emphysema. I feel like my kids lost out on knowing a great person. Your son will thank you for this!
thats awesome Matt, Im sure you will have the support of THPers everywhere cheering you on.

PLus so much more money to spend on golf stuff then too!! Heck I bet that alone will pay for most of the outing in May!
I quit years ago it was probably the barest thing I'd ever done. I had tried multiple times before, the committ lozenges really helped me kick it in the end. You'll feel like a million bucks!
Keep it going! Good luck that is so awesome!
I wish you the best of luck in this. It'll make you feel so much better, and will improve your health! You obviously know this though, so good luck again!
Good luck in your quest to stop smoking. I didn't smoke, but I quit chewing about 3 years ago.
Fantastic, glad to hear it. I smoked for almost 40 years and quit some 15 years ago. If I can do that after so long anyone can do it. Good luck and do not under any circumstances start up again. You will appreciate it more and more after the first few years. Smoking is a horrible habit and is very hard to break but keep at it and you will succeed.
As an ex-smoker who quit cold turkey 11 years ago and hasn't had a relapse, I wish you best of luck. Hang in there. The first few weeks are the worst.
Alright guys!!! I am almost exactly 5 years (I stopped counting) without one myself. The best remedy? Lots of gum, candy, sunflower seeds, almonds, and other chewables.. They all worked amazing for me. Oh, and stay the hell away from other smokers haha!

Best of luck to anyone reporting their non-smoking in here. I'm definitely cheering for you.
Good for you for quitting. You'll have your moments but remember it's mind over matter. In the long run it is by the far one of the best things you can do for yourself.
If you're having trouble quitting, you can try ecigs. I don't know that the health effects have been fully recognized yet, but it is light years safer in my opinion having done both. No tar = no smoker's cough etc. My girlfriend's dad smoked camel non filters for 40 years and within just one week of getting ecigarettes (he got v2cigs) his cough and nastiness were gone. He had a fresh face again. And there are a ton of bonuses. No smell, no ash, smoke is actually just steam and disappears in seconds. Can smoke inside without an issue. So much cheaper too. $20 worth of cartridges will last you 2 weeks easily (and that's if you're puffing on it like an absolute fiend.) And you can choose your level of nicotine. Perhaps you want to start out strong but then gradually reduce the amount in the cartridges you buy even to the point of no nicotine. So if the habit itself is hard to kick (mouth to hand), this is suchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh a better solution than going back to the real thing. OF course, if you go cold turkey -- more power to you.

Anyone else smoke the ecigs or had any experience with them? What you think?
Good luck to you. I quit 11 years ago one of the best decisions I ever made. Like everyone has said more money for golf goodies. Best of luck to the both of you.