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There is always something to parody I guess. :ROFLMAO:
I'm sure it's still hilarious, but I haven't watched a new one in years. I started season one my freshman year in my friends basement every week because he was the only one with comedy central. His dad always watched it with us, was kind of funny.
I havent watched south park in years. Didnt realize it was still on.
Gents, do you do class reunions?
I went to my 10th, haven't been to another one since then (40th reunion was 2 years ago).
Me either. I haven’t watched enough to make a full game. Lost interest in TV MLB years ago.
It's like watching cars rust. If they want to make baseball interesting, make it slow pitch so there's some offense involved. :ROFLMAO:
Gents, do you do class reunions?
Nope. My class has had precisely zero. Either that, or I haven’t been invited. Haha!
The answer is no. I got the food and a complete refund
Taco Bell is already barely mediocre when it's fresh. Gross when it's cold and soggy.

I was invited to my 10th (10 years ago now) but didn't go. There was an invite to an unofficial 20th happening next week - not going.

I was pretty popular in high school, but quickly moved on after graduation. I would come home for holidays in the years that followed, and I would see the people that never left - That wasn't for me. There are 2 people from my graduating class I still speak to, one has become a close family friend (though we weren't close in HS.) Now our families travel the world together. The other is a a guy I just became friends with in the last two years.
The **** we do for our children?!?!? I’m freaking making Skull Pepperoni Rolls, Deviled eggs,cake pops and a bunch of other treats for my daughter’s Halloween party!!!

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Massive dad points here. Really good and creative work, Matt!
World Series postponed. Lame

I’ve never had a lousy take, especially on food and drink :cool:
I figured my burgers > steak take did not need its own thread. That poll would probably be more lopsided than my shirtless golf one.
Instead of watching a good World Series game I get rewarded with…Joe Buck and Ohio 😩
I’m going to add a caveat to my monthly putter giveaways about food threads. Good grief.
Wife’s boss hosted a pig roast on Saturday. His pulled pork and homemade sauce is the best I’ve had since we left Kansas City. I need to find a restaurant that serves delicious barbecue.
Hello darkness my old friend.
Trick or Treat is over here. Now time for some Football
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